Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Eat and repeat ...everyday.

Three meals every day. Each day we must find time to eat.  Stop for a moment and think about how we are consuming these meals. Often we grab and gulp. And, sometimes we have to dine and dash. Time and place often dictate how we eat our meals. Nearly everyday I find myself eating at my computer; nibbling a quick meal in my car or standing grazing between counter and fridge in the kitchen (YIKES) before I race out the door.  Sound familiar? Is your day filled with plastic sporks and styrofoam containers? Ahh, such is life. 

Before you pop the next morsel into your hungry pie-hole, consider this: how you are dining?  
Do you remember what you ate yesterday (or breakfast this morning)? Does last night's dinner bring a smile—or a question mark in your memory? If you are not remembering your week day meals, please do not feel alone. There are a lot of harried meals being gobbled up with no joy in the car, in front of the TV and often in a haze in front of our families. Here's the good news: This does not need to be the weekday norm. With some very simple tweaks, you can create meals that make a memory for a at least a few of your week day meals.

This solution has nothing to do with cooking up a storm. (although that would be lovely) I must confess, I'm NOT a culinary wizard in the kitchen.  I'm a lazy eater who eats at her computer much too often—and who looks for the easy way out of fixing a bite to eat. My favorite food is anything needing only a fork before heading towards my teeth. I love leftovers that are noshable with only the pop of a Rubbermaid lid. For me, even building a sandwich can be daunting—what with all the bits and bobs that must be pulled from the fridge prior to sandwich assembly. I'm lazy for many a meal.
When I have a moment of peace to possibly eat with people, I like to make the most of my meal. How (you may ask) does a lazy eater —or a fast-food feaster create a memory from a meal possibly pulled from a take-out bag?
It's all about the presentation. 

Make a memory by bringing a little elegance to the everyday.
Choose some great stemware; pay attention to the  color of your plates; introduce some candles or flowers to a weekday dinner.  When was the last time your good china saw the light of day?   What's wrong with having your fries on some fun dishes? Enjoy a soda in beautiful stemware with your delivered pizza. Light some candles and revel in some fabulous lighting with  your mac and cheese. What ARE you saving those pretty things for anyway? Your fine dishes wait in the cupboard for a special  celebration—right? Be brave and bring them out and celebrate tonight. You'll be amazed how fun and fancy your spaghetti will be when placed on some finery. There isn't always time to be over-the-top-splashy, you can easily make an ordinary meal memorable with a bit elegance hidden in your cupboard that's been waiting for a special occasion. Make the occasion today! 

Remember to step back and marvel at the beauty you've just created out of an ordinary dinner. Revel and Remember. 
Toss the spork and rave about the celebration!

Life is everyday—get out the good dishes tonight!
Even if it's only Tuesday.

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