Friday, July 10, 2009

Looking forward.

I can look forward by peering straight ahead to see what is coming up, or by anticipating something that I know will happen. Either way, forward looking can lift my spirits. Looking forward unveils what's next or what's new. 

I find something to anticipate everyday. Even if today is nothing special—I look for something in the day to anticipate. This can be anything pleasant ....anything. I decide to call a friend, or pick up a movie to watch...or have a warm crusty loaf of bread with dinner...and then I think about it often during the day. I anticipate with gusto. It's half the fun. I let myself feel happy because I know this will happen. 

Today I'm looking forward to popcorn. I'm working late and missing dinner with Tom. So, we've made plans to make popcorn when we are both finally home. I'm looking forward snuggling on the love seat with our bowl of popcorn wedged between us. We share and get caught up on some TV. See, nothing exotic or out of the ordinary, but I love sharing popcorn with Tom. So this is my anticipation for the day. 

What are you looking forward to? Pick! And then, revel in the anticipation!

Remember Life is Everyday!
Anticipate the ordinary, and you'll have a extraordinary moment that is worth a look forward.

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